USSD Code Aggregation

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) is a GSM standard that allows high-speed interactive communication between the subscribers and applications across a GSM network. True African supports clients that do have their dedicated USSD codes by providing a connection to all registered telecoms in Uganda and also providing support for the service.

Dedicated USSD

Here a code is aggregated and solely used by the client. This can be procured from UCC by the client or True African can procure one at the client’s request.

Shared USSD

True African provides an active USSD code used by multiple companies or services where each company is allocated a extension off the main code e.g *210*X# where X represents the client’s extension code.

Use cases
Query services

Give access to structured information from your application with USSD menus. The interactive nature can layer leading questions to deliver the right information

Data collection

USSD is a powerful tool for data collection because it is universally accessible on any mobile phone. The session-based nature of USSD services also make them better suited for structured surveys as compared to SMS

User Registration

USSD is a powerful marketing tool for leading users to quickly register for your service. Enhance the customer on boarding experience by adding services such as SMS and Voice to your USSD application.

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